Welcome to my Website!

I'd like to make this my official, professional website from which to take commissions and link to all the cool shit I do. However, this website is extremely under construction. If you wanna see something more established, check out my tumblr blog instead.

My name is Julian Michael Quinn! I'm a queer transgender man and an artist living and working on the east coast of the USA! I also work at a local museum gift shop.
I'm very interested in sequential art, especially webcomics and other graphic novel-type stuff. Here are links to some of my favorite things I'm reading at the moment:

Heres a list of some other stuff I'd like to check out soon, though not all of it is web hosted!

Really though, I'm such an executive dysfunctional mess that who's to say what'll happen soon and what might get jumped in the order. Also yes, unfortunately, I have read all of Homestuck. I'm pretty sure I've eaten all the official Homestuck media there is to see, except for Pesterquest which I own but haven't yet played. It's.... not on my list of priorities. If you want to know more about my Homestuck opinions you can DM me on discord, and if you don't already have my discord then you don't have clearance for that information.


Here are other things I'm interested in that aren't comics!

Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully it'll be a little cooler next time you visit.
This piece a'shit website brought to you by Zed who reminded me to join onto neocities. Zed, I think we're all gonna end up making the most primitve-ass caveman-ass webring linking back to you if it kills us. It's your own fault for being so cool.